White Ribbon Movement
One of the projects we’ve been most proud of over the years is our white ribbon movement, in which we have inspired men around the globe to contribute to the feminist movement in a unique, effective way. We have made hundreds of white ribbons for young men and women to wear on their clothes as symbols of peace and support for women’s rights.
For many members of our movement, the sheer idea of wearing these ribbons seemed daunting. This is simply because joining the movement seemed risky. Especially since many Iranian young men come from conservative families and households, wearing the ribbon meant exposing oneself to potential ridicule by other potentially older Iranian men who grew up in a different culture.
Yet, every single time, we found that, when joining in the fight rather than standing on the sidelines, our members felt a sense of pride not only in the movement but in themselves as well. Because risks of mockery were worth the far greater risk of the emotional pains of hiding in the shadows. Of not having the bravery to stand up for what they knew was right.
So far, we’ve had over 300 people participate in the white ribbon movement and are welcoming of anybody new who wants to help make a difference.